Multi-multi team for CQ WPX

Sponsored by the Indianapolis Radio League..

Links:W9IRL Info W9IMS Info


What: A multi-multi effort for the WPX phone contest.

When: The weekend of March 25-27.

Where: The Indianapolis Radio League Comm Center near 34th and Keystone

Who: Contesters from a cross-section of local clubs

Why: Fun, fellowship and the thrill of a record-breaking challenge.



Schedule for the KT9M multi-multi WPX contest for the weekend of March 26-27th, 2005
(starting Friday Night at 7P and ending Sunday night at 7P) Indy times..


Bands: 160 through 10 meters Phone.



Break the existing 9-land multi-multi record of 5,417,178 points, set in 1980 by W9ZRX.
Although we can’t know exactly how many QSOs and multipliers we’ll need (because QSO
points vary according to the QTH), an easy-to-remember target is “3,000-1,000”—3,000 QSOs,
1,000 multipliers. But the best estimate is that we’ll need something on the order of 2,700 QSOs and 800 multipliers.



Team Members:

Mike-W9SU, Brian -W9IND, Bill-WY9T, Gavin-W9EYE, David -N9QVO, Steve-W9TN, Heather-KB9ZLB ,
Ed-N9IZN, Mike Mallory, Tom-K9XV, Mike-KE9YA, Jim-K9RU, Kurt-KT9M, Bob-W9PSE, Mike-KE9YA
Dave-N9KZJ, Bob-W9ETA, Trevor-N9YM & Josh, Jeff-KF9UP,Dave-N9KT, Tim-N9LF & Chuck-W9IH.



Why WPX?

The WPX phone contest would be a good place to start, since it

offers us an interesting challenge: rewriting Americas oldest WPX phone

 record on the books. The current multi-multi record of 5.4 million points

 was set by W9ZRX in 1980 a quarter century ago.


Since then, much has changed in WPX. American stations now count a point apiece,
making this an everybody-works-everybody contest. And of course, the number of U.S.
prefixes has increased exponentially, enabling multi-multi teams to achieve scores as high as 29 million points.



We're dealing with an approaching 11-year sunspot minimum,

among other variables such as  Weather & Band conditions.





The WPX exchange is RS(T), plus the QSO number, starting with 001 (“Five-nine, zero-zero-one,” etc.).
Each band keeps its own running QSO count.

A WPX score is based on the number of unique prefixes multiplied times the number of contact (QSO) points.
So our concerns are: (1) unique prefixes, (2) QSOs, and (3) contact (QSO) points. Let’s review
what each of these actually means, as defined by the WPX rulebook. 


Unique prefixes: In the case of a multi-multi effort, “unique” means that a particular prefix can
count on our score only once, whether we work it on one band or six. (But the QSOs still count,
so work the station on six bands anyway.)


QSOs: Sounds straightforward, and it is—mostly. But unlike, say, CQWW and ARRL DX,
you’re not limited to DX stations. Every station—whether it’s in Greenland or Greenwood—counts
at least 1 point. So, it’s an everybody-works-everybody contest.


Contact Points: This is the area we need to be most aware of, because it can mean that some
QSOs are worth 18 times as many points as other QSOs. This chart explains how the WPX
scoring varies according to which band you’re on and where the other station is located.


Communications Center setup:

All amateur bands were available throughout the entire contest,(160-10 meters).
Each station had high gain antennas plus 1-1.5KW power capabilities. Each Station operated with
W1MM logging software and CAT radio interfaced PC's plus linked to the Packet cluster or
telnet for additional contact spotting. For some of the team members this was the their first time to
use this very capable software.


Follow up: will be at later date once all the logs have been compiled and the results are in.


Special thanks to Mike-W9SU for hosting this team event; to Brian-W9IND &
Bill-WY9T for their outstanding organizational skills and to all participants for their
incredible comment of time to the effort.


RESULTS: 2537 Qs; 817 Mults; 4,301,505 points
Qs by Band by Hour PDF file
Qs by Point by Hour PDF file


Article from Brian D. Smith, W9IND (ex-WO9I, KA9OIH, WN9ICB)

Stats by Dave- N9KT

PIX By: Ed Conder- N9IZN

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